Photo by Robert Scherle

Eugene Protesters Demand a Cease-fire in Gaza

The morning of Nov. 1, protesters called on Oregon Representative Val Hoyle to sign Ceasefire Now House Resolution 786

Protesters holding signs reading, “Jews say ceasefire” and “Ceasefire” sat in the hallway at Oregon Rep. Val Hoyle’s downtown Eugene office on Wednesday Nov. 1.

The protest, which kicked off at 9 am, demanded that Hoyle sign the Ceasefire Now House Resolution 786, which urges the Biden administration to call for a cease-fire between Israel and Palestine and facilitate humanitarian assistance into Gaza. 

 Dozens of protesters filled the hallway leading up to Hoyle’s office chanting “cease-fire now” and posted a letter on the door of her office demanding she sign the resolution.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, Israel has killed nearly 9,000 Palestinans in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, which killed nearly 1,200 Israelis. 

Calls for a cease-fire have been made across the world with protests erupting in support of a free Palestine. Saturday, Oct. 21, protesters in Eugene took the streets to voice support for Palestine and to call on Oregon representatives to sign the Ceasefire Now House Resolution.

According to a press release, Gerty Ferguson’s reason for attending the Wednesday protest comes down to showing solidarity. Ferguson states, “I came out with my baby today to show solidarity for the Palestinian mothers and babies who are fighting to survive an assault on their humanity, and demand Val Hoyle sign on to immediate Ceasefire.”


So far 18 representatives have signed the Ceasefire Now Resolution; none from Oregon. Hoyle writes in a statement to Eugene Weekly that she “firmly supports an immediate humanitarian pause in fighting between Israel and Hamas which both sides must adhere to.” 

Hoyle adds, “Israel has a right to defend itself and protect its citizens from violent terrorist acts perpetrated by Hamas. Israel also has a responsibility to protect innocent civilians, which is why I’ve joined several of my colleagues in continuing to urge Israel to follow the international laws of war and make every effort to protect the innocent civilians caught in the middle of this conflict in Gaza.”

Protester Alex Safron says he believes that Hoyle can back up her belief in a “humanitarian pause in fighting” by signing the resolution. Safron writes to EW, “After calling and writing to Rep. Hoyle every day for over two weeks, we wanted to see her take a stand and sign the resolution. In her form response letter, she says that she ‘…strongly opposes the idea of ‘collective punishment’ of innocent civilians in Gaza, who are currently bearing the brunt of this war. Civilians must be protected, no matter where they live.’ Signing on to the Ceasefire Now resolution would back up these claims.”

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