Symphony in Eugene

The town hosts numerous symphony concerts throughout the week

It’s that time of the year when the sun sets earlier, the breeze gets cooler and the classical musicians come out to play their instruments. This week, listen to the Oregon Mozart Players through the Candlelight: Spirit of the Season performance at the Central Presbyterian Church Dec. 1 and 2. The candlelit performances feature music such as Schiassi’s Christmas Symphony and Andantino from Mozart’s Concerto for Flute and Harp. If you’re feeling musical on Sunday, Dec. 3, head to the Eugene Symphonic Band concert series at Willamette High School. And at the 5th Street Public Market, the Eugene Symphony Happy Hour is happening Dec. 4, discussing the upcoming concert with trivia and symphony-themed swag and prizes. The next day, Dec. 5, the Little Symphony and Junior Orchestra perform, and on Dec. 6, the Eugene-Springfield Youth Symphony takes the stage; both performances are at South Eugene High School. With Mozart and Mendelssohn warming hearts, you won’t want to miss the music at the Hult Center Dec. 7. For more symphony and musical events, check out the What’s Happening calendar listings.

Oregon Mozart Players perform 7:30 pm Dec. 1 and 2 at Central Presbyterian Church, 555 E. 15th Ave. Tickets start at $5 at Eugene Symphonic Band is 3 pm Dec. 3 at Willamette High School, 1801 Echo Hollow Rd. FREE. Eugene Symphony Happy Hour is 5 pm Dec. 4 at 5th Street Market, 296 E. 5th Ave. FREE with drinks and snacks available to purchase. Little Symphony and Junior Orchestra perform 7:30 pm Dec. 5, and Eugene-Springfield Youth Symphony perform 7:30 Dec. 6. Both are at South Eugene High School, 400 E. 19th Ave., and tickets range from free to $10 at Mozart and Mendelssohn is 7:30 pm Dec. 7 at the Hult Center. Tickets are $10 to $71 at — Brianna Murschel

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