The march for justice and equality continues because the need is still with us.
Almost 56 years after his assassination, Martin Luther King’s legacy of confronting racism in non-violent forms endures — from a jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama, to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. And the Eugene-Springfield area, as well as Oregon State University in Corvallis, is hosting events throughout the next week to commemorate the man for the Jan. 15 holiday and King’s mission, which continues.
On Sunday, Jan. 14, the Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast is at St. Mark CME Church in Eugene.
The federal holiday itself has OSU hosting its annual Peace Breakfast, followed by a march. In Eugene that morning, the NAACP Eugene-Springfield Oregon Unit #1119 is organizing its annual march that begins at Autzen Stadium, followed by a reception at The Shedd Institute.
In Springfield, the Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect (SAfER) is putting together its annual MLK March for Justice and Equality in the afternoon, starting at the Springfield Justice Center with opening remarks by Sean VanGordon, the city’s mayor, followed by a reception at Springfield High School.
Later in the week, Lane Community College is host to two events. The first is a discussion on Jan. 18 — Navigating Political Backlash: The Underground Railroad for Black Educational Leadership/Superintendents During an Upcoming Election Year — and the second is Jan. 19, the MLK Mentoring Day for Black/African American Males.
Also on Jan. 15, the Bureau of Land Management will have a Fee-Free Day to recognize King. BLM’s standard amenity day-use fees will be waived at recreation sites that normally charge fees.