From Ems to Albertsons and more in letters


I want to take full responsibility for my numbers errors in my previous letter about the new Emeralds stadium proposal. I had no intent to deceive. I went to the first Emeralds ticket website that I saw (Tickets Center) and looked at tickets in late August for an event I’m planning. Most of the games had $39 as the cheapest seat, with an additional $11 service charge. I made the false assumption that was true for the rest of the year. Not so; most Emerald games on that site have a cheapest seat of either $19 or $29 plus fee. Apparently, they are substantially cheaper at the stadium or other sites.

My mistake; I glanced at some numbers and wrote some misleading information. Sorry to confuse anyone or bring any unneeded heat on the Weekly. I don’t believe either of us were trying to obfuscate or confuse the voters.

Back to the original points. Baseball games have gotten pretty expensive for many families. I don’t think spending millions of dollars of taxpayer money on a second major baseball facility is a wise investment for Eugene. An independent league baseball team would probably be very happy to spend summers in Eugene in the park we already have.

Dave Hollingsworth 



Dear Albertsons, I’ve been shopping in your stores in Eugene since 1986 when I was raising three kids, and over the years, another half dozen hungry ones who ended up on my floor. Your store has always been within a mile of my various homes and your prices on staples — canned beans (even organic) and flour and burrito and pizza ingredients were affordable for feeding voracious kids. 

Along with stops at the farmer’s market and my favorite little health food stores, I made it all work without a drive to big box stores. I’m in my “golden years now,” whatever the hell that means, and you were open at 5 am during the beginning of the wretched COVID just for early riser seniors like me, and I was grateful since by then I was shopping for my big brother who was no longer able. I still have a video I took one morning during that creepy time of empty aisles to show him. I thank you for that time and your employees who showed up. 

I also shop there because over the years I’ve gotten to know many of your loyal workers well. We’re all from different backgrounds, religious and political beliefs, and it’s just fine. I’m guessing there are some from the LGBTQ + community as well, and you hire people with disabilities who are a joy to interact with, which warms my heart since I raised a child in need of special care. That’s inclusiveness at its best. 

Each week, when I shopped, my first stop was the large rack by the door with various free magazines looking to grab a copy of Eugene Weekly, and now you removed it. Why? If you had The Watchtower or any other religious or political papers, or Autotrader, MOM Magazine etc, I was happy there was something for everyone. Diversity, as you’re doing with your employee hiring, is what we strive to do in this country where I was born. No? Please tell me why you would remove the Eugene Weekly or sadly, after all these years, I won’t be back to shop.  

Carole Biondello



In her Viewpoint piece “Housing is a Rigged Competition,” Billie Best laments that landlords no longer choose tenants the way she did. She stated that she met them “face-to-face, took them at their word, and trusted my instincts” when she was a landlord.

At one time that was possible because if someone didn’t work out you could give them a 30-day notice. Now both Oregon and Eugene have passed regulations that require a specific process for vetting tenants. And, in an effort to prevent homelessness, they have made it very difficult to get someone to leave who is not working out. Is requiring a face to face meeting an effort to be racist? Does the owner have clear standards and take the first applicant who meets them while making sure to give extra time to anyone who doesn’t speak English? Are all other rapidly changing regulations being followed? 

It really isn’t practical for the mom-and-pop homeowner to manage their own property now. You need professional help, which adds to the cost and drives up rents. Is this what our legislators intended?

Nancy Nichols



In its March 21 edition, the Weekly published a letter by Trisha Driscoll that compared Israelis to Nazis. What were you thinking? I have long been opposed to the apartheid in Israel and Palestine, and I am devastated and horrified by the siege, bombing campaign and (arguably) ethnic cleansing that is occurring in Gaza today. But to compare Jewish people to Nazis is extremely offensive. 

How can the writer and the Weekly not understand why it is wrong to compare the survivors of the Holocaust to the group that perpetrated it? This rhetoric demonizes Jews as uniquely evil, and both normalizes the Holocaust and denies its singularity by implying it is a common phenomenon now being perpetrated by Jews. The Holocaust was a deliberate, systematic and organized attempt to exterminate all European Jews. Unlike during the Holocaust, there is not currently, nor has there ever been, a Jewish plot to exterminate the entire Palestinian population through mass shootings, torture, experimentation, forced labor or gas chambers. Driscoll and the Weekly should be ashamed of their anti-semitic statements and their ignorance of history.

Kelly Missett


Editor’s Note: As a newspaper providing a forum for opinion, we do ask that readers understand that publishing opinions we may or may not disagree with is part of the opinion pages, and that many papers, including The Register-Guard, no longer do so. The RG, when it announced it was no longer publishing letters and opinion, wrote, “Opinion content also is often cited as the reason for canceling a subscription, with readers saying they feel we are choosing sides on an issue or we lack objective discipline, something we take great care and pride in doing as journalists.”


Can it, Canning!

Is it just me, or is Doyle Canning becoming an expensive annoyance for our progressive community? Canning spent two of the last three election cycles seeking to displace Peter DeFazio and then Val Hoyle in costly Democratic primaries, and she cornered a whopping 18 percent of the votes in that last race.

When Paul Holvey announced his well-deserved retirement as state representative, Lisa Fragala, a longtime local activist entered the House District 8 primary. Fragala has been endorsed by incumbent Holvey, State Senator Floyd Prozanski, DeFazio and Hoyle. As Prozanski noted: “As an elected official, Fragala has the experience and proven track record to represent all residents in our district successfully.”

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to these elected officials, the photographs of some appear in a television ad for guess who?  Canning. The background on some of the pictures state: “Vote by May 21.” She is clearly sending a campaign message to the observer that those in the picture support her candidacy. That’s campaign fraud IMHO. 

I hope you readers will send clever Canning a “cease and desist” email or text to her and her campaign. Put her on notice to stop using this ad or our friends’ pictures in any future ads or campaign pieces. And please vote for Fragala.

Tony Corcoran

Cottage Grove



Although our national body politic is obsessed with Trumpian Truth Decay, I am heartened by our local neighbor Doyle Canning’s principled campaign for OR House District 8. She’s a pragmatic, fresh new voice and our best choice for an infusion of future-focussed social, environmental and human rights progress in Salem.

As a longtime (over decades) dedicated Eugene Democrat, community volunteer, campaign advisor and experienced former Oregon legislative office director, I’m convinced Canning’s in the mold of our finest Democratic minds — in the great Wayne Morse tradition.

Frankly, I didn’t support Canning’s earlier fledgling campaign efforts and was undecided in the current OR House District 8 race. But Canning’s growth as a talented Oregon legislative staff director this past session has given her the skills and collegial relationships for her to “hit the ground running” for us in Salem. Her issue priorities dovetail closely with our south and west Eugene needs and aspirations.

Just two days ago, I received a nasty, disappointing telephone mudslinging “push poll” filled with smarmy insinuations and cheap shots promoting her opponent. That’s a disservice to both candidates.

Sorry. No thanks. I’ll be voting for and donating to Canning for State Rep District 8. She’ll do us proud.

Scott Bartlett



I, and others, are concerned about the potential adoption of the STAR Voting system in our city. While the intention may be to improve our electoral process, I fear that this change could have unintended consequences, particularly regarding the election of progressive candidates for mayor or City Council.

STAR Voting’s emphasis on strategic voting poses a real risk of enabling certain voting blocs to manipulate the system in favor of moderate candidates, potentially perpetuating the status quo. In a city like Eugene, where urgent issues such as housing demand innovative solutions, adopting an experimental voting system could become an obstacle to the implementation of forward-thinking policies.

While our current voting system has many flaws, it has at least provided opportunities for genuine progressive change. Hastily embracing a new and untested system isn’t the solution this city needs, and due to the lack of good-faith arguments against Measure 20-349, I’m afraid many people — who might not be aware — may give the green light to a voting system that doesn’t work in their interest.

We must ensure that any changes to our electoral process promote fairness, inclusivity and the ability to elect candidates who truly represent the values and aspirations of our community.

Matt Louie



I am writing to express my unwavering support for Lisa Fragala’s campaign for state representative. As an accomplished educator with over two decades of experience in the Eugene public schools, Fragala has consistently demonstrated her commitment to our community and the well-being of its residents.

I first met Fragala in 2017 when we collaborated with others to pass a ‘Sanctuary Schools’ resolution with the 4J school district. Fragala’s practical understanding of creating equitable and safe learning environments for all students proved invaluable. Her advocacy against discrimination and stereotyping was invaluable in uniting our community against such injustices.

I am honored to work alongside Fragala at Pacific University’s College of Education. Her knowledge, skills and experience are instrumental in shaping the future teaching workforce. Fragala’s dedication to racial and social justice is evident in the growth of bilingual and bicultural teacher candidates in our teacher preparation initiatives.

Beyond education, Fragala’s commitment to ensuring access to healthcare, addressing housing insecurity and building climate-resilient communities further underscores her dedication to creating a better future for all Oregonians. Her comprehensive approach to these critical issues exemplifies her readiness to tackle complex challenges in ways that will achieve positive impacts in our community for years to come.

I have full confidence in Fragala’s ability to represent our interests and values. Join me in supporting Fragala for state representative. 

Anil Oommen



I can understand that many in the Eugene community love baseball, as two recent letters to the Weekly make so clear. But Emeralds baseball is a business, however modest that might be, and thus should not be counting on additional taxpayer money to keep it alive.

I believe the citizens of Eugene should veto in the upcoming election the $15 million bond to aid the building of a baseball stadium. That amount of money could be used to begin the process of greatly reducing, if not totally eliminating, homelessness in Eugene. No matter how much the city or some other entity promises to build “affordable” housing, it will never be enough to care for the thousands needing even the most rudimentary living quarters.

However, $15 million could go a long way in constructing a facility that could provide the 2,000 or more now living in the streets with at least a small room, communal bathrooms and kitchen areas. This would relieve charities from having to provide Egan Warming Centers during freezing nights, and would extend protection against cold weather even when temperatures go higher but are still uncomfortably cold, and made worse by off-and-on rain.  

I would vote for a $15 million bond to bring what Eugene really needs, help for the unhoused. It is sad that our city government can so easily want to support a professional team, but dilly-dallies about the things that are most crucial for the good of all its people. 

Richard Sundt



I am not enclosing the $1,585 that I owe for 2023. I would love to pay my taxes if all of it went to life affirming things such as free health care and education pre-kindergarten through college, affordable housing for everyone, programs to work on the climate catastrophe as well as money to repair our beautiful national parks, and dedicate land for more national parks. Instead, over half of our tax dollars are going towards our military, which is bigger than the combination of the militaries of the next 10 countries. I can’t be complicit in the killing and starving of Palestinians with my tax dollars by willingly paying my taxes.   

In Peace,

Susan Barnhart 



When the Ems played in Civic Stadium, I went to many games, but when they moved to PK Park, I lost interest. The Ems co-existed with the Duck team until the Ems won their championship, and then they moved up from short-season A to long-season A ball. However, this meant a longer season which interfered with the Ducks’ schedule. What’s the solution? Bilk taxpayers million$ for a brand new stadium, of course! Really? Why not just go back to playing short-season single A ball? C’mon, I’m waiting for a good reason…and plz, no more Field of Dreams crap. Be real: these dreams are nothing more than the desires of private enterprise.

Stephen Cole



It is past time to repeal the 1873 Comstock Act. The 150-year-old law reflects a punishingly narrow view of bodily autonomy and self-determination, particularly for women. Anti-abortion activists have already used the language of the act to challenge the mailing of abortion medication. Recent arguments before the Supreme Court make it abundantly clear that a return to enforcement of the Comstock Act is very much on the agenda. Over time, the courts have determined that the law forbids mailing items used for abortion only if the sender intended for the recipient to use the materials “unlawfully.” It is legal to mail abortion medication. Yet so long as the law remains on the books, millions of women are at risk. We’ve seen a Supreme Court willing to overturn decades-old precedent and state legislatures rushing to apply decades-old laws the moment Roe v Wade was overturned. 

Nationally, women’s access to medical care is increasingly imperiled. Congress must affirm the right to access the full range of reproductive care, including contraception, prenatal care and prompt, compassionate treatment for abortion, miscarriage and pregnancy complications. The need for reproductive care crosses party lines — any pregnancy can result in a miscarriage requiring medical intervention. Congress must step up with the urgency this moment demands.

The Comstock Act must be repealed in full. I’d like to see Oregon’s full delegation — senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley; representatives Val Hoyle, Suzanne Bonamici, Earl Blumenauer, Andrea Salinas, Lori Chavez-DeRemer and Cliff Bentz — take the lead. 

Amalia Gladhart



 I believe we need to take the time to share time slots for both collegiate times. If it’s men at 7 pm today, and 9 pm for women. Then switch the next day to women at 7 pm and men at 9pm.

Our youngsters in sports K-12 should be seeing and doing basketball and all other sports in school. We should come up to help anyone on the field to help them. Never try to hurt someone.

Last year, I saw Angel Reese with the finger ring thing. I cringed — that was not good. And I now see Caitlin Clark seemingly doing the same way. Be kind.

 Be cordial. Don’t try to put out “trash talk.” Don’t try to harm someone. Be a sportsperson, no matter what. If you harm yourself, that is on you; but if you do it to someone else, that’s terribly wrong.

You can be good in all sports, and have fun in all of them. It has to be like that. Accidents happen. If the other team was hurt by you, make amends, in love. There is no other way. Hurt only yourself, OK. Commiserate when the other team is hurt, also. That is love, that is kind, and that is good.

Bill Northrup



I’ll always support measures that increase my taxes to help our parks, schools and library. Who directly benefits from these places? Me, the public.

Who will be the direct beneficiary of the push to use public money for a new Emeralds baseball stadium? The Elmore Sports Group, a large, for-profit Chicago-based corporation.

We can use our parks, schools and library for free. If Elmore gets its new stadium, we’ll pay twice, first with our tax dollars, and then every time we walk through the stadium turnstiles.

And how much has Elmore committed to the construction of a new stadium whose price tag will likely top $100 million?  Not one cent. How long has it committed to stay in Eugene if it gets a new stadium? Not one day.

The public benefit is not an Elmore priority. Maximizing its profits as cheaply as possible, however, and wherever it can, is.

Please vote no on Measure 20-358.

Tim Baxter


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