Letters to the Editor


First: we lose our community hospital to a corporate takeover.

Second: I lose my medical group (OMG) and primary care physician to a corporate takeover.

Now, I am left, at 72 years old, with a Parkinson’s and benign brain tumor diagnosis, with no primary care provider and worse, no notification that my status had changed until I made multiple efforts to finally communicate with a person from OMG, who confirmed the above and also let me know they did not have enough doctors to transfer me to another physician, so I had to find primary care elsewhere, even though I had been with OMG for 11 years.

I am appalled at where our medical system has landed.

I am sickened by the corporate greed that is allowed in our society.

I am scared for my medical future.

Marion Sproul



I’m writing this letter per your suggestion/direction to say that I support the Eugene Public Library and all of the public libraries in the area. Per the words in your newsletter, “So with the city’s $15 million gap in the 2023-2025 budget, how do we support the library? One thing you can do is speak up.” At your suggestion, I am writing a letter to the editor per the link you provided.

Since this letter is less than 200 words (also your direction), I am saying again that I support the Eugene Public Library and all of the public libraries in the area!

Keith Kreger



When are democratic rights abused and then become destructive? If protesters can go to jail for blocking traffic, then why are extreme religious groups allowed to obstruct the friendly commerce at Eugene Saturday Market? The sounds made by zealous loud preaching can drown out the normal conversation of the market’s commerce, and so it becomes a problem. 

Local start-up businesses, artists and craftspeople make all or part of their living at the market. When the oppressive loudness of the zealots dominate the space, it affects the market atmosphere. Freedom of speech you say? Whose speech is protected? Certainly not the vendor’s who can hardly hear a customer asking them a question whenever the preaching gets going. Of course religions are allowed to speak their truth. But here the intention is to dominate the space, and that is not peaceful. It is a targeted invasion that hinders peaceful commerce and social enjoyment.

Deb Huntley


MEASURE 20-357

I’m writing to get the word out that Eugene 4J schools have an essential funding measure on the ballot in May: the renewal of the local option levy. 

Both of my kids went through 4J schools. As with any experience, we had our ups and downs, but during those times, they had so many wonderful, hard-working teachers and other staff who truly liked them and cared about their education. In fact, our youngest is becoming a high school teacher! These adults were in their lives because the local option levy helped keep staffing in place, supported operations and kept doors open. Like so many parents and grandparents I know, I volunteered over the years for the PTO, for fundraisers and helping in class. I have directly seen how supporting kids is a foundational and crucial use of public resources. It truly benefits us all. Renewing the current levy -— which is not a new tax — is a slam dunk choice to maintain strong schools. Thank you for voting Yes for Measure 20–357, to continue the local funds for Eugene school kids.

Joy Marshall



Having lived here since 1965, I believe that Oregon State House District 8 candidate Doyle Canning embodies that special blend of south Eugene values which are needed in Oregon’s Capitol building.

As a loyal University of Oregon School of Law graduate and leading environmental and conservation voice for some two decades, Canning’s probably the most qualified and promising progressive candidate for south Eugene’s State Representative seat in Salem in our modern history, bar none.

In 2020 and then in 2022, Canning’s fledgling efforts were not the right fit, but she is now perfectly prepared to hit the ground running in Salem. As the only candidate with real life, hands-on Salem legislative process experience, Canning’s recent service as a very productive and impactful legislative director has won her the remarkable and uniquely strong endorsements of 10 current members of our Legislature who’ve watched her work and await her joining them.

Canning has matured enormously in her leadership skills and working knowledge of how to get needed bills passed into law. That takes knowing that leadership is a “we” thing, not a “me” thing, and that the letter “I” can’t be found in the word t-e-a-m! 

She’s our clear choice for a strong, new voice with the best upside potential.

Scott Bartlett



After serving in Oregon’s House of Representatives since 2004, Paul Holvey is retiring. I live in his district and I have been honored to be represented by him in Salem for 20 years. 

I strongly support, and I join Holvey, Peter DeFazio and State Sen. Floyd Prozanski, and a host of others, in endorsing Lisa Fragala for District 8 in the Oregon House of Representatives. We need her there because, unlike her opponent, she is actually qualified to carry on Holvey’s legacy of public service. 

Fragala was a  K-12 teacher for 25 years. Unlike her opponent, Fragala knows what it is like to work for a living. Also, unlike her opponent, Fragala has a long history of public service to her community. After leaving the classroom, she continued her support for public education as an active member, and chair, of the Lane Community College Board while also serving on the Eugene Planning Commission. 

In his re-election interview with The Register-Guard, State Rep. John Lively, referring to his time in the Legislature, said  “public service is something that I have believed in and participated in my whole life.” Like Lively, Fragala understands that serving in the Legislature is, above all, a public service. It’s not just a self-promotional exercise for some other opportunity down the line.  

Bob Warren



On Sunday April 21, one of my kids and I decided to go check out a campaign event for Eugene Ward 2 City Councilor Matt Keating; we weren’t really sure what to expect, but we were genuinely impressed with Keating’s kindness and how he interacted with us. 

My kid is very politically involved and hopes to one day run for office themself, and he was so willing to talk with us and answer our questions even though I don’t live in his ward. After we talked for a few minutes he invited us to go canvassing with him and we took him up on it. 

When we met back up in the neighborhood that we were canvassing in and started to see him in action, we were very impressed with the level of caring which he showed both to us and to his constituents. He really took the time to listen to everyone’s concerns and answer any questions in a thoughtful way. 

This whole interaction really made our day, and they definitely hope to follow his excellent example someday. As a public servant myself, I know what it means to give back to your community; if you are looking for someone who really cares and is motivated to solve the concerns of regular people, we strongly believe that Keating is an excellent person and Eugene city councilor.

Amie Annsa



As a Eugene renter, I am appalled at the donations Pat Farr has received from property management companies, timber companies and gravel mine operators. 

Farr received $10,000 from Ed King for supporting his proposal to turn elk calving habitat in Oakridge into a gravel mine, and $5,000 each from gravel mine owners Delta Sand and Gravel, Wildish Land Co and Vernon Egge — who was fined for operating without a permit. 

Farr also received $10,000 from Sierra Pacific Wood Products, $5,000 from Murphy Plywood (the most toxic polluter in town, according to Cleaner Air Oregon data) and got donations from Lost Creek Timber, Giustina Tree Farms and Cadore Timber Company. 

Of most concern to me are his donations from property management companies attempting to prevent the adoption of reasonable renter protections — like limitations on deposits, large rent increases and requiring a 90-day notice. We deserve a County Commissioner who isn’t in the pocket of industry and property management companies like Farr is. 

My vote is for Zach Mulholland, a proven champion who has advocated for renter rights and is supported by unions, the Oregon League of Conservation Voters and the Democratic Party of Lane County.

Brandon Brach


OVER $62,000 BONGS

I’m really not sure if I should laugh or cry after reading about the glassblowing mecca in Eugene. In the same issue, the Eugene Library is facing budget cuts, but some have the dough to purchase $62,000 bongs. What a crazy world. Back in the day, lol, we made mini pipes out of toilet paper rolls and aluminum foil. Does smoking out of a $62,000 bong get you a better buzz? LMAO. Sigh, please someone fill me in on that bong!!

Will McNaught



I am thrilled to endorse Kaarin Knudson for mayor. I’ve known Knudson for 15 years, and in my 37 years of living in this area, I’ve never met a more competent leader. Her remarkable qualities and unwavering commitment to our community set her apart.

This woman embodies the essence of effective leadership: 1. Confidence: Knudson approaches challenges with poise and conviction. Her unwavering belief in our city’s potential fuels her tireless efforts; 2. Compassion: Knudson’s heart beats for Eugene. She listens to our concerns, empathizes with our struggles, and champions solutions that uplift every resident; 3. Discipline: Knudson’s disciplined approach ensures that promises turn into action. She doesn’t shy away from hard work required to create effective change; 4. Determination: When faced with obstacles, Knudson’s thoughtful resolve only strengthens. She will be unyielding in her pursuit of a better Eugene. She looks for causes of problems and begins the solution there. 5. Brilliance: Knudson’s intellect shines brightly. As an architect and educator, mother and athlete, she will bring innovative ideas to the table, fostering sustainable growth while maintaining the unique beauty and quality of our home.

Knudson has earned bipartisan support because she collaborates with all the stakeholders — business and citizens — taxpayers alike. Her balanced advocacy for affordable housing, from inception to maintenance, resonates across the political spectrum.

Let’s rally behind this woman who embodies intelligent progress, compassion and vision. Knudson is the leader Eugene deserves.

Lonn Robertson



Ask yourself this, would you rather pay for a bond that would benefit you personally, or pay for a bond that does not?

Knowing or not knowing in 2018 you approved the Riverfront Project. On your property taxes you will see you are paying $50 or more for this project. Does this project benefit you? 

Now let’s talk about the stadium bond, yearly around $24, and it is not hidden, it is out in the open. The $24 in your property taxes will benefit you, going to Ems games, concerts and other activities throughout the year.

So let me ask you, would you rather spend $50 a year on something that will not benefit you, or would you rather spend $24 a year that you can benefit from?

Steven Hunnicutt



I can understand why rural people are angry. Lack of health care is a major element of that anger. Over 100 rural hospitals have closed and another 600 are in danger. This is a major contributor to a much higher mortality rate for rural than urban people. Oregon’s Constitution now says that health care is a human right, yet rural folk often lack that right.

The problem is that rural people blame Democrats for all of their woes, but most of their problems are caused by Republicans. They have voted to repeal or restrict the Affordable Care Act over 70 times, have refused to expand Medicare and have restricted women’s maternal care in red states.

We don’t have enough doctors and nurses so everyone has longer wait times and poor service. Democrats would like to have free junior college which would help create more nurses. They should also have free medical school, but Republicans oppose education. Better immigration would also allow more health care workers from abroad. President Biden and the Democrats have lowered medical and drug costs while Republicans opposed helping the people. They also still want to eliminate Medicare and Social Security.

What would make the greatest improvement in health care would be Medicare for all. The for-profit insurance companies make their money by denying care and they are shutting down hospitals and cutting service because it isn’t profitable enough. Our Legislature should pass a law creating Health Care for All Oregon, because it is our right.

Jerry Brule




Eugene has an amazing opportunity to elect Zach Mulholland to the Lane County Commission. 

Mulholland will fight for good jobs, affordable housing, and clean air and water for all.  He has been working with Beyond Toxics to pass policies so no more toxic polluters like JH Baxter are located in Eugene, and he is helping low-income families get free insulation and energy efficient appliances.  

Mulholland is endorsed by the Oregon League of Conservation Voters, the Lane Community College Faculty Union (where he sits on the board), the Lane County Employee’s Union (where his opponent currently sits) and by the Democratic Party of Lane County.

Mulholland has proven himself as a trustworthy leader who helped protect jobs at LCC while balancing budgets, growing the institution and pushing for smart policies like more free college classes for high school students. At the Active Bethel Community Neighborhood Association, he pushed to protect Golden Gardens Park, for city funding for a new Bethel Neighborhood Plan, and for new biking and walking paths.  

On the Eugene Budget Committee, he allocated funds for an EV Charging Plan and pushed for more funding for rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention services. Mulholland would be an amazing addition to the County Commission and he deserves your vote.

Jere Rosemeyer



As our community debates whether to build a new baseball stadium at the Fairgrounds, let’s not forget that there may be more important uses for the land.

When I was a teenager, Eugene-Springfield had three hospitals: Eugene Hospital & Clinic, Sacred Heart and McKenzie-Willamette. Now we have only two hospitals, both in Springfield. It’s a fine thing to have a “regional hospital” for planned surgeries, but we’re left with a major gap — rapid access to emergency treatment for the thousands of people in southern and western Eugene.  

And, of course, when the “big one” hits, how will south and west Eugene’s injured get across the river? I’ve lived through a major earthquake, and you can’t rely on the bridges. Do we expect people to drive to Cottage Grove?  

At a minimum, Eugene needs an emergency department, and perhaps a maternity ward. It’s obvious that our most vulnerable citizens need a facility they can access quickly. The rest of us need it, too.  

When PeaceHealth announced its Riverbend plans, McKenzie-Willamette considered filling the gap in Eugene but then gave up. Later, there was discussion about building a hospital at the fairgrounds, at what I assume is the same site now being considered for the Ems. What happened to that?

Maybe it’s time to build ourselves a municipal hospital, or emergency department, owned by the city or the county. It seems ridiculous to leave the well-being of our community in the hands of corporations whose decision-makers don’t even live here.

Laura Akers


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