
• Now that the primary election is over, what should be on Mayor-elect Kaarin Knudson’s “to do” list when she takes office in January? Deal with homelessness, for sure, but what else? Let us know in a letter to

Looking for something quiet to do this Memorial Day Weekend? Hope Abbey at the Eugene Masonic Cemetery in south Eugene will have flags flying on veterans’ graves. An open house is 11 am to 5 pm May 26 and 27 with coffee and cake served, and Barry Bareau will play Taps at 12:15 pm both days at the Public Square. Hope Abbey will have a “History Hunt,” an event with prizes for family and children where participants will get a map and clipboard and a short list of graves to be found in the cemetery. There will also be a history tour of the cemetery, starting at the Abbey at 12:30 pm.

Primary election results are coming in and Eugene Weekly’s endorsements were a slam dunk from the state to Eugene City Council. The only races where the candidates we endorsed didn’t win were the lone Republican we endorsed — Rep. Charlie Conrad of eastern Lane County’s House District 12 — who probably lost to Darin Harbick because Conrad voted pro-choice in his term in the Legislature. We wonder if our “yes” nod caused some votes against him? (Republicans do read the Weekly.) And no Democrat ran in the HD 12 primary so Harbick, an anti-choice candidate, looks like a sure thing in the fall. Our only other endorsed candidate who didn’t win was Zach Mullholland, who challenged incumbent Pat Farr for the north Eugene Lane County Commission. He lost with 42 percent of the vote to Farr’s 58 percent. 

On the election tip, we love democracy at Eugene Weekly, and we’re thrilled with most of the results of this week’s primary election. But while we’re happy that Christopher Parosa won in a landslide to become Lane County district attorney, we’re dismayed that his opponent, James “Blue Balls” Cleavenger, took nearly a third of the vote. Cleavenger is a dishonest cop — his name is on the county’s Brady List of police officers who should not testify in court proceedings — and is patently unqualified to be the county’s top enforcer of laws. See our EW Extra election story at 

As we go to press, we are already getting letters from angry STAR Voting supporters. You can check out the tantrum STAR has been throwing on X (Twitter). We don’t actually post on X these days, but we do eat popcorn and watch the antics.

• Sick of the election? Go watch some TV! Word is that a Eugene local will be on longtime trivia show Jeopardy! on May 28.