Images of rioters at the Capitol Jan. 6.

‘Ya, I Was At Jan 6th’

In a response on Facebook to EW’s story, the son of the Republican nominee for Oregon State House District 12 confirms he was at the attack on the Capitol

“Ya, I was at Jan 6th, along with thousands of other Americans,” Tyler Harbick writes in response to a recent Eugene Weekly story about his participation in the Jan. 6 uprising at the nation’s Capitol. 

Harbick is the eldest son of Darin Harbick, the Republican nominee for Oregon State House District 12. Tyler Harbick’s sister, Taya Brock, posted his response on Facebook in a post on the Blue River Bulletin Board. 

“What’s the story again?” he wrote. 

Well, here it is.

Confirming his involvement in the Jan. 6 riot, Tyler argues he never actually attacked the Capitol and never crossed any police barricades, but was rather a witness to a moment that will go down in history.

EW reached out to the younger Harbick through his father’s campaign website and through Brock’s Facebook account in response to the post, which called the Weekly’s reporting “lies.”

According to screenshots EW obtained of posts to Tyler Harbick’s Facebook account — which has since been deleted — Harbick made it all the way to the eastern rotunda doors of the Capitol, way past police barricades.

He also crossed the security lines established to protect the Capitol and the people inside from rioters, according to the final report made by the House Select Committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the United States Capitol.

In fact, according to the FBI Director Christopher Wray’s examination of Jan. 6, “individuals had breached security barricades and were entering the U.S. Capitol complex.” The complex isn’t just the building itself, but rather 20 buildings which include senatorial, congressional offices and the U.S. Supreme Court. 

According to the FBI, for Harbick to get as far into the complex as he did, he would have had to break through several layers of police barricades.

While rioters began to surround the building, Tyler Harbick claims he met up with a different family and would walk to the Capitol building alongside InfoWars host Alex Jones — steering clear of the western facade “because that was where most of the action was happening” and ending up on the east side of the building — past security barricades.

While on the eastern side, near the rotunda doors, Harbick posted a picture with the caption, “Capitol Breached LOL.” In his response on Facebook, he claims his caption referenced a man in a Donald Trump wig waving at him from inside the building.  

“You laugh at the ridiculousness of it all,” he wrote.