Photo courtesy of Kismet Tyler

Not Giving Up the Ghost

The Autumn Equinox has come and gone, and the spookiest of seasons is upon us. Have you decorated yet, and how much of that decor is something you painted yourself? None? Then head over to Overlap Self Care Superstore on Sept. 30, Oct. 4 or Oct. 20 for a Sober Paint & Sip to paint some ghosts in a forest. Don’t worry about an inability to paint happy little trees, as the provided canvas already has photos of local woods. All you need to do is sip your nonalcoholic beverage — provided alongside your supplies — and paint a specter or two among the trees. Kismet Tyler, the “head queer in charge” of Overlap Self Care Superstore, has been alcohol-free since 2017, they say. While trying to make a space for themself in the alcohol-free community, they noticed that many events were advertised to families, not adults. “While those spaces are super important,” Tyler says, “adults also need to be in community together and meet friends without the focus being alcohol or getting drunk together.” That’s just one reason why the paint and sip event is only available for those 18 and older, the other reason being the “spicy” nature of the superstore, they say. The drinks provided are a variety of canned, non-alcoholic beverages. Among the list are faux rosé, mock craft brews, sparkling cider, sodas and more. The best part? No experience is required! “My focus is on making sure everyone goes home with a piece of art they can feel proud of no matter their previous experience,” Tyler says, and they mean it.

Sober Paint and Sip is 3 pm to 5 pm Monday, Sept. 30, at Overlap Self Care Superstore, 136 South 6th Street, Springfield. Must be 18 or older to attend. $30.