AMERICANS! Would You Like to Speak Out?

Have you got a few ideas about how this country ought to be run? Maybe a notion as to what “American values” really means, or how the government can work toward American prosperity? The Republicans would like to hear from you. Just as soon as they can get their website sorted out. At the moment, it tells me that many Americans are speaking out. Can I wait a moment, then try again? You bet I can. Because America is speaking out, and it has a sense of humor. Continue reading 

Blatantly Self-Congratulatory Blog Post Alert!

At the Oregon and Washington Society of Professional Journalists’ annual awards banquet on Saturday, EW picked up a handful of nifty certificates. While SPJ has the year’s award recipients listed on a nifty PDF, we thought it might be helpful — or at least potentially interesting to one or two people — to give a quick rundown with handy-dandy links. Second place, special section The State of Suds Continue reading 

Cinema Pacific Preview: The Best of the 36th Northwest Film and Video Festival

This well-ordered and wisely chosen selection of shorts from Portland’s Northwest Film and Video Festival is a promising overview of Northwest short film. Most of the selections are smart, spry and inventive — and a surprising number are animated, all in different styles and with wildly varying subject matter. “The Mouse That Soared,” which opens the program, is a playful, vividly colored short that aspires to be one of the brief, wordless pieces that preface Pixar films. The animation is a little high-gloss, but the characters are charming. Continue reading 

Pickathon 2010: Full lineup announced!

Pickathon is not your average summer festival. I’d heard that, before I went last year, but you have to experience it for the difference to really be clear. It’s not small — it sprawls over 80 acres of Pendarvis Farm, outside Portland — but it feels small, intimate and unexpectedly comfortable. It’s not crowded. It’s laid-back, but not super-hippie. You don’t go to get all jacked up on cheap beer and fast food; you go to nibble ice cream and maybe find a shady corner of the beer garden to enjoy a microbrew. Continue reading