Upcoming: Henry Weintraub’s ‘The Darkest Corner of Paradise’


Just yesterday, I mentioned Eugene filmmaker Henry Weintraub while joking about the various occasions on which zombies have roamed Eugene. Today, in a nice bit of timing, a press release arrrived announcing the premiere of Weintraub’s newest feature film, the promisingly titled The Darkest Corner of Paradise.

Paradise is a change of pace for Weintraub, whose previous films include the not-quite-a-zombie-movie Melvin and the revenge short Depraved. Now, as the release says, he’s “finally trying his hand at drama.” The film, which was shot in Eugene and Portland, stars Patrick O’Driscoll, Richard Leebrick, John Schmor and Kato Buss; Sawyer Family bassist Zac Sawyer provides the score.

So what’s it about, you ask?

When college graduate Peter Landsman moves to the city to pursue a career in professional accounting, he finds himself in a situation far less predictable. With the disappearance of a mysterious woman, Landsman is lured into an underworld of black market traders and killers.

The Darkest Corner of Paradise premieres Friday, June 19, at the Bijou. For more info, see 531 Productions.

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