Once More, with Spoilers (and Nitpicking): ‘Star Trek’

Let me gush a second: I pretty much loved Star Trek. It did a lot of things right, and it looked gorgeous, especially to eyes disappointed by the terrible effects in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I loved Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy the best of all, but John Cho is a respectable Sulu, Sylar Zachary Quinto a perfect Spock (I really only thought of Sylar once, when he glares at the council) and Zoë Saldana a whip-smart Uhura. The bad guy was a little stock, but the time-split really thing works for me. Continue reading 

Bye, Boo!

Sad news for Bijou fans: Boo, the enormous, ever-present theater cat, died this weekend. “She would have been 23 on the 17th,” says Joe Lewis, whose exact job I am unsure of but who, as far as I can tell, is the Bijou’s general does-everything-what-needs-doing kind of guy (the R-G last referred to him as the “administrative assistant,” but that sounds less fun). Continue reading 

Oh, Oscars

Ho, hum. I realize it’s a little bit weak to comment when you’ve not yet seen all the films, so I’ll be brief: Even the surprises this year (Melissa Leo, Richard Jenkins) don’t feel like surprises. Slumdog Millionaire ceased being an underdog even before it got here, and while it a perfectly fine film, it is not a Best Picture. Not, not, not. I think I’m attached to exactly one category: Man on Wire had really best win Best Documentary. Continue reading 

“I think it’s really sexy when he kicks Satan’s ass!”

I haven’t been able to get this song out of my head for THREE DAYS. It’s from Hamlet 2, which opens tomorrow and promises to be hilarious, at least for certain folks. (No one else in the theater for Tropic Thunder on Monday laughed during this preview, but then, a considerable portion of that audience though the very funniest thing in Tropic was Jack Black’s elaborate description of the sex act he’d perform for the person who untied him from a tree, so … take that for whatever you think it’s worth.) Continue reading