Giftmas, Day Three: Yep, Still Behind

Man, this really seemed like a good idea until I actually had to DO it.

But I’ll let today’s mail inspire me: a package from The Soap Box Company, all full of wonderful soaps and scrubs. (Are you sensing a theme here, what with the Lush stuff two days ago? Well, it’s not on purpose, I swear.) Yes, of course it’s too late to order from them now — and they’re closed for the holidays as of today — but I’m only posting Giftmassy things for fun, and plus, it being Giftmas we’re talking about, you can have it whenever you want. Have it for New Year’s! Have it for a random Tuesday in January! Break away from tradition!

Er. Um. Anyway, The Soap Box Company is a haven of bath goods, from Aracana soaps, scrubs and oils (just try to resist Frozen Heart. I dare ya) to Callisto Bath and Body shampoos and sugar scrubs to Possets scents and treats. TSBC makes for a one stop shopping virtual destination for those of us addicted to smelling like spices and tea (Villainess‘ Masala Smooch, which is what Villainess calls their sugar scrubs), frozen ground and trees (Arcana’s Arctic Bear oil, frosty and biting) or a sweet handful of ginger (Possets’ Haute Love). The woman who runs the shop is super-helpful and happy to let a panicked, oh-em-gee-I-must-have-it shopper add a forgotten something to her cart via PayPal (even when that shopper — oh, fine, me — paid with a credit card before), and things get shipped out right quick. There’s always new stuff on the way — many of these small companies do limited-edition runs of some of their products, so you don’t get bored. Not that you could! I’ve thus far stuck with my already-favorite companies with Soap Box, but I’ll branch out soon. Just as soon, that is, as I allow myself to buy soap again. The basket under my sink is getting a little crazy…

Let’s just make this a two-for-one post and throw in my beloved Propaganda Bath and Beauty while I’m talking about fun ways to both get clean and salve the nasty, dry, cracking skin on the backs of your hands (my knuckles were actually bleeding last night. For no reason!). Propaganda, so far as I can tell, is a two-woman operation out of Mukilteo, Wash. The propagandists address their customers as “Comrade” in emails and use a chipper red star on their labels, but the most propagandizing thing they do (um, I’m getting a little lost in this sentence) is turn their customers into converts. It was Last Candle Flicker lotion that won me over: a spicy warm pumpkin scent in the form of a lotion that, to my great shock, didn’t make my hands feel all slimy. It sank in quickly and with only a trace of scent lingering — a scent that’s convinced people I’m drinking some delicious eggnog concoction in my office when it’s really just the combination of coffee and Last Candle Flicker wafting out the door. Appropriately for today, my other Propaganda favorite is Winter Solstice, a bright, sunny, herbal scent that’s pefect for gloomy Oregon days. Oh! And chocolate orange or cheesecake Lip Tease, aka lip balm. Deeelicious.

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