A rash of cancellations came in after deadline this week. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s NOT happening:
• Shooter Jennings is NOT playing the WOW Hall tonight.
• Bitch is NOT playing the OUT/LOUD Queer Music Festival on Friday, May 21, at the WOW Hall, though the festival will otherwise go on as planned.
UPDATE: The OUT/LOUD planning committee just issued a statement explaining that Bitch was “disinvited” from playing at the event due to “her transphobic remarks and ongoing conflict with the trans community.” The statement outlines the remarks in question and apologizes to “those who were excluded or hurt by our decision to invite Bitch to play at OUT/LOUD this year.”
• The Random Acts of Funnness event at Petersen Barn Community Center will NOT take place on Friday, May 21.
In other, somewhat tangentially related concert news, the band Isis is calling it quits; their current tour, which includes a WOW Hall show on May 29, is their last. The full text of the announcement is on the band’s blog.
I need something happy to end this post. Or at least something cheerfully random. So here: An Oregon kid wrote a song inspired by Laurie Halse Anderson‘s young adult novel Chains. Then he made a video for it. Would you like your dose of earnest charm for the day? Then watch this.