Eugene Weekly : Best of Eugene : 2008


The Best of Eugene 2008-2009

It’s tempting, as we reach the end of another Best of Eugene project, to think, “We did it!” But the truth is, you did it. You voted, either online or on paper, for the things you love best about Eugene. You make this whole thing possible, with your opinions and your funny comments (a few of which appear as Best of the Ballots picks), and your occasional long and heartfelt responses. If you didn’t vote, well hey, there’s always next year — and, we might add, next Tuesday. ’Tis the season for voting, after all, and we’re hoping that come next week’s issue, the really important votes will have been cast and tallied … and we’ll all be celebrating something far, far bigger than another Best of Eugene. But until then, it’s hats off to the people, things, places, dishes, shops and more that you’ve crowned the very best our town has to offer. — Molly Templeton 



Civic Pride

Retail Therapy

Sex, Drugs and Rock’n’Roll

Creative Endeavors

The Kitchen Sink

Eat Your Heart Out

Staff Picks

Best of the Ballots






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