Eugene Weekly : Cover Story : 8.26.2010


Eugene Celebration 2010

Stylish Pets Take the Stage Raise the woof, meow and bray at the Pet Stroll 

Local, National, International Film mania, plus zombies, at the EC Film Fest

Yoga Slugs and Friends in France SLUG Queen Slugasana takes over the EW

Ready to Raise Some Heck, I Mean Roofs? Eugene Celebration music round-up  

Village People Habitat volunteers to build a shed

Regress, Relax, Unwind Health and Wellness Celebration

Speedy Celebration For runners, the parade happens in the afterglow

Undeath Will Not Them Part The Celebration gets its first zombie wedding


Regress, Relax, Unwind
Health and Wellness Celebration
by Zanne Miller

Potential Eugene Celebration plan:

Grab a lemonade or adult beverage; munch a burrito or slice of cheesecake; shop for local crafts; dance to Mood Area 52 (or take the kids to KidZone); attend a past life regression workshop.

“Well, this is Eugene,” says Shoshanah Thielle, LMT, who as part of the free Health and Wellness Celebration will present a free workshop on hypnosis and past life regression at 3 pm Sunday in the Atrium building. 

This is Thielle’s first year joining the Health and Wellness Celebration although she has been a licensed massage therapist, yoga instructor and hypnotherapist in Eugene for about 20 years. “Hypnotherapy and past life regression is part of health and wellness,” she says. “Someone with a specific health issue that has been going on for years can be freed just by remembering the injury in a past life.”

Thielle has seen this happen firsthand, with a client who had neck pain; she had been working with him with massage and other methods of treatment. Through past life regression, he discovered he had died in a hanging. “He never had that pain again,” she says.  

The Health and Wellness Celebration began in Eugene 14 years ago as the Health Fair (early keynote speakers were Deepak Chopra and Dean Ornish). This is its sixth year as part of the Eugene Celebration. Offerings at the celebration as well as in the workshops range from the more traditional massage and meditation, Tai Chi, yoga and Qigong, to the unexpected: Learn about Watsu (WaterShiatsu) at the Tamarack Wellness Center booth; Spin the wheel of virtue and discover the virtue that lies in your fortune at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center booth; or sample some chocolate from The Healthy Chocolate that promises to transform your health. LCC’s massage therapy program will also have a booth, for those inspired to join what coordinator Peter Le Sueur calls “a strong community.” 

Le Sueur, whom you might recognize from his Copper Cobra booth at Saturday Market — he makes those really cool essential oil diffusers and has been there 20 years — has been coordinating this event since it began in 1996. “It’s always been my bag, to bring community together,” he says. “The main reason for doing it is getting together and talking about ‘how we can live a better life.’”

“It’s a great group. It’s not about competition. We refer to each other and educate each other. And this is a fun event that enhances wellness in the spirit of fun and community.“

Thielle agrees that the event will help people feel better. She says her own work can be helpful for people who are stuck in a variety of ways. Through hypnosis and past life regression, she says, “People who are unable to achieve what they want in this life can become unstuck.” 

The Health and Wellness Celebration, a free event organized by the Health and Wellness Group, runs 10 am to 6 pm Saturday and Sunday, between Lincoln and Charnelton on Broadway. The event includes free workshops in the first-floor conference room at the Atrium at 10th and Olive from noon to 4 pm on both days.






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