Opening Nights
Birds opens at LCC Friday, Nov. 14.
Aristophanes, not Hitchcock, OK? A prize-winning play since 414 Before the Christian Era, Birds takes on politics and usually wins. With masks and humor, the LCC students will show the way to peace. Bring that on! Show dates are Nov, 14-16 & 20-22 at LCC’s Blue Door Theatre. Tix at 463-5761.
Pigs in Love opens at Ace Annex Friday, Nov. 14.
Local playwright Dorothy Velasco’s Pigs in Love hits the stage under the direction of expert Reva Kaufman. Lovers, farms, pigs and emotional baggage mix for what ACE’s Jim Roberts describes as “a heartfelt comedy about the consequences of living a lie.” Show dates are Nov. 14-15, 21-23, 28 & 29. Tix at or 683-4368.
West Moon Street opens at the Lord Leebrick Friday, Nov. 14.
Combine Oscar Wilde with playwright Rob Urbinati, a UO alum who directed at the Leebrick early in its life; Fred Gorelick, a director recently relocated from teaching acting at North Carolina State; and actors both new to Eugene (Jane Percy, Laura Robinson-Thomas) and locally beloved (Sybil Merton, Rebecca Nachison, Ian Armstrong and many more) — and you have a witty mystery/comedy that should charm the audience … if they live through the evening! Show dates are Nov. 14-15, 20-23 & 28-30 and Dec. 4-6. Tix at or 465-1506.