Eugene Weekly : Theater : 4.2.2009


Opening Nights

Arcadia opens Thursday, April 2, at LCC.

Tom Stoppard, that crazy wordsmith, crafted this story of mad love affairs, philosophy, math and poetry. Now LCC under the direction of Mary Unruh (not DIVA’s Mary Unruh, the Mary Unruh of “I Am My Own Wife” at the Leebrick) presents the dramedy (crama?) for a Eugene audience. Show dates are April 3-4, 9-12 & 16-18. Tix at or 463-5761. 


Annie opens Friday, April 3, at the Cottage Theatre in Cottage Grove.

Who in the Willamette Valley in the middle of a massive recession doesn’t want to hear “Tomorrow” or “Anyone But You” or “Sandy”? Duh! The best orphan-rescued-by-war-profiteer story ever. Take the kids! Show dates are April 3-5, 10-11, 17-19 & 24-26. Tix at or 942-8001.


Free the Northwest Ten! opens Friday, April 3, at the Lord Leebrick.

Seven playwrights with 10-minute stories. This brainchild of local playwright Paul Calandrino exudes daring and makes the (soon to be old) Leebrick a true black box. Show dates are April 3-5. Tix at or 465-1506.





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