Do you know the semen tree? It lives on Drury Lane.

We just solved a mystery.

It’s summer, and semen is in the air — or at least it smells that way, and probably not for the first time at the southwest corner of downtown Eugene. This time (luckily), it’s just a tree.

According to The Frisky, that scent of semen has a lot of people wondering WHAT that smell is,  and the author conducted a survey of the literature (Google!).

It’s sort of amusing how most of the formal web entries on the tree don’t mention the stank, although it’s earned its own definition in the urban dictionary: “semen tree.” If you’re still befuddled, here’s how one urban dictionary user suggests you can use it in a sentence: “Oh, great. The google parking lot is encircled with semen trees.”

Watch out for this guy:

Edit: I forgot mention that it’s the callery pear tree. Details, details.

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