How-To and Women

EW film critic and former arts editor Molly Templeton got some love on Jezebel for her response to the New York Times Book Review‘s How-To Issue, which included 2/8 cover stories from women, which were about cooking and raising kids. I love how Molly explains her objections:

There is nothing wrong with cooking and raising children; there are lots of things right and wonderful with these pursuits. They are also, as I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, traditionally female tasks, and when you take into consideration the VIDA stats, the history of gender imbalance in literature and journalism and the world at large, you might find yourself a little frustrated by the fact that it’s 2012 and we are still too often relegated to writing about deeply gendered topics. (Of the 18 bylined reviews and essays in the issue, five are by women.)

Check out the awesome Tumblr she made in response. If you’re a woman or girl, submit something!

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