Bandest of the Bands

The noise-o-meter has been used for decades in lieu of judges at Battle of the Bands events in order to ensure that the public is heard. This said, Friday night’s Bandest of the Bands at WOW Hall should be a wondrous display of democracy. And let’s not forget the music.

Three local up-and-comers will hit the stage Friday night and go head to head for the title of Bandest of the Bands: Locally based Small Joys — a four part indie-folk group with epic songwriting and masterful understanding of musical theory — share the stage with Mufassa — a rockin’ Sea Bell offshoot (for those who don’t remember Sea Bell: you missed out, bro) — and the Groundblooms, a truly badass indie noise pop group from right here in town.

The lineup’s sweet, but it’s up to you to decide which band has the chops to be labeled the Bandest. Cynics, do your worst.

Ethos magazine’s Bandest of the Bands starts at 8pm Friday, Jan. 25, at WOW Hall; $5 adv., $6 door.

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