Activist Arrested Filming Oregon Horse Tripping

According to SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness) an activist was “violently arrested” while filming events at the Big Loop Rodeo in Jordan Valley, Ore., on Saturday May 18. Big Loop has come under fire for its horse tripping event in which horses are roped by the neck and legs while galloping, causing them to fall.

Last year’s horse tripping video motiviated animal lovers to once again try to ban horse tripping for entertainment in Oregon — a ban had been brought up before but did’t succeed after opponents argued horse tripping didn’t happen in Oregon. The SHARK video from 2012 showed otherwise, and SHARK speculates that the arrest of volunteer Adam Fahnestock was in response to the outcry the video caused. SHARK says video is allowed at the rodeo.

The bill has passed out of Senate and testimony was heard in the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month.

The full press release is below, with links to video of last year’s horse tripping and a video of a horse breaking its leg in another event.

SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness)

PO Box 28 • Geneva, IL 60134 • 630-557-0176


Sunday May 19, 2013


Jordan Valley, OR – On Saturday May 18th, 2013, SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) volunteer Adam Fahnestock was peacefully sitting monitoring the Big Loop Rodeo when rodeo personnel and a Malheur County Sheriff’s Deputy approached him. After a very brief conversation, the deputy suddenly grabbed Fahnestock and threw him violently to the ground where rodeo personnel then also set upon him. Fahnestock was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He is currently being held in Malheur County Jail, Vale, OR on a $1000 bail.

Big Loop Rodeo has been under fire from SHARK recently after documentation of a bucking horse breaking its leg in the arena and numerous horses were filmed crashing to the ground was released after the 2012 rodeo. Filming is permitted at the rodeo and many spectators film the events. It is believed Fahnestock was singled out for attack because Big Loop Rodeo officials are upset over the video of a horse breaking its leg being released, and disturbing footage of the horse-tripping event went viral creating massive public outcry to ban the event.

SHARK president, Steve Hindi said, “This is clearly an abuse of the law and an example of the “good old-boy network” that exists in the rodeo world. We will fight these false and retaliatory charges vigorously and continue to expose animal abuse at rodeos.”

SHARK’S video of horse tripping at the 2012 Big Loop Rodeo inspired Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton to introduce a horse-tripping ban. Senate Bill 835 is currently being considered after a public hearing was held on Monday May 13th, 2013.

Graphic footage of the incident of the horse breaking its leg can be seen here:

Video of horse tripping at the 2012 Jordan Valley Big Loop Rodeo, which inspired SB 835, can be seen here:

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