Pollution Update 6-27-13

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) assessed a penalty of $15,600 against Christopher John Bartels on June 20 for illegally discharging wastewater from his meat processing and packing facility to ditches flowing to wetlands on two occasions in 2011. The facility is located on Central Road, south of Perkins Peninsula Park. According to DEQ, Bartels has made significant improvements to his wastewater treatment and disposal system since the 2011 violations. Georgia-Pacific Chemicals has paid the $3,600 penalty assessed against it by DEQ on May 13 for discharge of phenols pollution to waters of the state at its facility on Highway 99 (near Irving Road) in Eugene (EW 5/23, goo.gl/YEdIZ). Comments to DEQ regarding industrial stormwater pollution control plans for Navistar (Harrisburg) and two different Georgia-Pacific West facilities in Philomath are due by 5 pm on July 1. Visit goo.gl/ScwdH to see stormwater plans, and goo.gl/iMDQb to comment.

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