Boo, the Bijou wants you! Thursday, Oct. 24, is the kick off for the Bijou Metro’s first 72-Hour Horror Film Festival and Competition. Attention amateur and pro-filmmakers alike, here’s your chance to get screen time in our fair city with a fairly low commitment. From the Bijou’s website:
“Contestants will have 72 hours to write, shoot and edit a 2-3 minute horror film utilizing a mandated prop and line of dialogue. Films submitted by deadline will be eligible for a $500 cash prize awarded to the “Jury Prize Winner” and exhibition prior to the Bijou Metro’s Halloween screening of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.”
Joshua Purvis of Bijou Art Cinemas says that the festival/competition sprang from his own interest in horror flicks, as well as “creating the opportunities I wish I had had as a filmmaker.” Adding that horror is the perfect entry point for movie makers because the genre is celebrated for being “low brow.” Who doesn’t have a special place in their heart for low-tech horror films? Look for our story on it in the Oct. 24 issue.
For more info, visit: http://bijou-cinemas.com/bijoumetro/?p=1348