White Racist Minions Attack Online

Horus the Avenger of White Rabbit Radio sends out his minions to spread “the Mantra,” proclaiming, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” and other derivations of the racist message. While racist rabbits sending minions might sound like some sort of internet hoax, marchers in Springfield’s Jan. 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration encountered one of the propagators of the Mantra, Jimmy Marr. Marr was standing in front of Springfield High School with a woman holding a sign that read, “Diversity is a code word for anti-white.” Marr was wearing a kilt and playing the bagpipes.

Dana Jo Cook of Springfield says MLK marchers were visibly upset by the sign, and she took a photo and sent it to EW for publication in order to bring “a face to the level of discrimination in our community.”

Cook and others familiar with Marr — who is probably best known in Lane County for giving a pro-National Socialist talk at the Pacific Forum discussion group and leading some members of the audience in a Nazi salute — said they had heard Marr was considering running for mayor. EW asked for confirmation of the rumor in the blog post.

Marr posted in the comments section of the blog that “I had not considered the idea, but I can now see from the comments that I have a moral mandate to exploit every conceivable avenue capable of producing an increase in awareness of White geNOcide.” The spelling of genocide is called for in the “White Rabbit rendition” of the Mantra and the capitalization of white is called for by Bob Whitaker on his racist whitakeronline.org site, where he also tells followers to “use emotional language” and to ask questions like “Why do you hate little White children?”

According to a Southern Poverty Law Center article on White Rabbit, Horus the Avenger of the radio show is Timothy Gallaher Murdock of Dearborn Heights, Mich., and also uses the name Tom Worth. “He is single and lives in the basement of his parents’ home,” SPLC writes.

The link to the EW blog was then posted on several racist websites, such as whitegenocideproject.com and majorityrights.com. Marr posted it on the racist Stormfront site and on the whitakeronline.org site. This then triggered Whitaker’s “BUGS swarm” which is dedicated to pointing out “the ongoing program of genocide against White people, which is being committed by anti-Whites.”

Essentially, a fairly small number of people begins bombarding a blog, YouTube video or other online comments section with the Mantra. The swarm proclaims itself as “winning” when it overwhelms other posters in sheer numbers. At press time the EW blog had more than 1,050 comments.

Members of the swarm commented from all over the U.S. as well as the U.K., and those who argued against the racist and bigoted posts, such as Cook, were both local and out-of-state. One anti-racist commenter, sociology professor David Brain of Florida, who came into the discussion via Facebook links to the blog, points out that “the internet has enabled these people not only to vent their fear and anger, their sense of powerlessness, but to do so in the company of others like them from all over the world.” Brain and others’ attempts to respond to the swarm’s comments resulted in many repetitions of the Mantra and sometimes name-calling such as “fat white whore.”

Marr is allegedly also linked to the banner that was dropped on the I-5 pedestrian bridge in September 2013 that read “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: The comment section for the EW blog post that triggered the “swarm” will be shut down (though remain available for reading) after this issue goes to press. The online comments for this story will be limited because even our patience has limits.

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