Portlandia: Attack cat holds family at bay

Only in Portlandia would a large fluffy cat attack a family and hold them at bay in a bedroom, leading  them to call the police for help.

Listen to the 911 call. 

My favorite part starts about 2:30 minutes in.”He’s kind of a violent cat already … He’s charging us; he’s at our bedroom door.” Meanwhile the shrieks of the 22-pound Himalayan cat are audible in the background.

The Oregonian, which broke the cat-attack news, reports that the fur started to fly after the cat scratched the couple’s seven-month old baby and “I kicked the cat in the rear, and it has gone over the edge. He’s trying to attack us — he’s very hostile. He’s at our door; he’s charging us,” the caller tells 911.

The 911 operator checks with her supervisor to make sure it’s OK to send the cops out on this call and stays on the phone while law enforcement is dispatched. She periodically sounds like she is trying hard not to crack up.

The O continues:

When officers arrived, they entered the residence equipped with a dog snare and watched as the large Himalayan cat darted into the kitchen where it jumped on top of the refrigerator.

Using the snare, officers were able to wrangle the ferocious feline (perhaps jealous of said baby?) into a pet carrier. No one was injured in the fracas, including the baby.

According to a cat breeder website Himalayans, or “Himmies,” are “perfect indoor companions but they possess a playful side.”

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