Lane County weaseling on paid sick leave?

Lane County has sent out its agenda for July 8, and for followers of the paid sick leave debate, there’s an interesting item under the County Counsel’s section, which calls for exempting county workers from Eugene’s paid sick leave proposal.


A. Announcements

B. FIRST READING AND SETTING THE SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE 14-04/ In the Matter of Exempting Lane County Government from Any City of Eugene Resolution, Ordinance, Rule, or Regulation That Mandates, Regulates, Orders, or Requires Any Terms or Conditions of Employment for Lane County Commissioners, Directors, Managers, Employees (Including Full-Time, Part-Time, Seasonal, Temporary, Represented and Non-Represented) Or Agents of Lane County. (Steve Dingle, County Counsel) (estimated 5 minutes)

The proposed ordinance  mentions Eugene’s sick leave policy specifically:

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is aware that the City of Eugene has proposed to adopt an ordinance purporting to mandate that employers with employees that work within the city limits provide certain sick leave benefits and has not exempted other public entities; and

Although Eugene City Council doesn’t have a work session scheduled until  7:30 pm Monday, July 21, the ordinance also calls the issue an “emergency” saying: 

An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance, being enacted by the Board in the exercise of its police power for the purpose of meeting such emergency and for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, takes effect immediately.

This doesn’t come as too much of a surprise as conservative members of the Lane County Commission have already criticized the sick leave proposal.

The county does have sick time for its employees, based on months of services.

For the full county ordinance and materials go here: 

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