AFL-CIO on hike in minimum wage

Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain sent out this statement today on the 2015 minimum wage:

“Today’s announcement that the 2015 minimum wage will be $9.25 is welcome news.  Oregon has long been ahead of most states by ensuring our lowest-paid neighbors aren’t falling even further behind.  But in reality that amounts to $19,240 a year, or $1,603.33 a month, to help families make ends meet.  More and more new jobs pay minimum wage or close to it.  It’s time for us to do more.

“The average age of a minimum wage worker, nationally, is 35.  It’s not much different here in Oregon.  We can’t expect a person to raise a family on $19,240 a year.  That’s why the Oregon AFL-CIO is calling on the 2015 Legislature to give Oregon workers a boost.  Every family in our state should have a fair shot; the first step is ensuring every person who is working full time can afford to put food on the table.”

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