Photo Recap: Sallie Ford at Cozmic

Sallie Ford at Cozmic Dec. 9. All photo illustrations by Athena Delene.

The last time Sallie Ford played in Eugene was October 2013 at Sam Bond’s. She was with her old band, The Sound Outside, and had recently released Untamed Beast. That show was packed — if memory serves me right, there was a line around the block.

This past Tuesday eve, a fairly balmy night for December in Eugene, Sallie Ford  returned with a new band (the new band is named just Sallie Ford — Cristina Cano on keys, Anita Lee Elliott on bass and Amanda Spring on drums) to Cozmic. Unfortunately the turn out was not as stellar; there were maybe 20-25 folks and in a cavernous space like Cozmic, that can feel pretty empty. But the performance was great, Sallie Ford reproduced the sound from their new record Slap Back to a T.

Anyone have any thoughts on the disparity between the two shows? Why such a huge turnout a year ago at Sam Bond’s but a very humble turnout at Cozmic? I often see situations like this with bands touring through Eugene. I would love to hear your feedback. Email See more photos below.

Christina Cano (keys), Sallie Ford and Anita Lee Elliot (bass)
Amanda Spring on drums
Anita Lee Elliot on bass

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