Take the 4J superintendent survey

Eugene School District 4J is on the prowl for a new superintendent, and its looking for community input. Launched Dec. 8 and open through Dec. 21, 4J’s online survey is for all members of Eugene’s community. 4J says board members will use the survey to determine what characteristics its looking for in 4J’s next superintendent.

The first question asks survey-takers to identify the top eight most desirable characteristiscs out of a list of 25 attributes, including “be visible throughout the district and actively engaged in community life” and “communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and in a variety of ways.”

The survey also allows community members to write their own answers, as well as submit the names of people they think might qualify as a candidate for the position of 4J superintendent. Find the survey here.

Also, 4J will hold a series of public meetings the week of Dec. 15 at the 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St. Make your voice heard.

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