Proposed cleanup plan for the McAyeal’s Wardrobe Cleaners site

Pollution Update 3-26-15

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting comments on the proposed cleanup plan for the McAyeal’s Wardrobe Cleaners site through 5 pm on Tuesday, March 31. The site is located between the downtown Eugene Public Library and Kiva. The cleaners operated at that location starting in 1972, leaving behind soil and groundwater contaminated with dry-cleaning solvents. Contaminated groundwater that would otherwise occupy the library basement is currently diverted to a treatment system before being discharged to the city’s storm sewer system. Visit for more information. If readers have been wondering why “Pollution Update” hasn’t been appearing as frequently lately, the reasons are that the Eugene DEQ office hasn’t been regularly updating the informal enforcement database that we depend on, and (for the first time ever) DEQ is assessing fees for records that used to be readily available free of charge.

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