The Bundy Papers: The Malheur Occupation Weirdness Continues

Remember when Malheur occupation leader John Ritzheimer got all pissed off about all the dildos people were sending him and his fellow “patriots” who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in an armed occupation in early 2016? It seemed like men with guns couldn’t get any weirder.

They did. And the strangeness continues.

Back in April, Ryan Bundy got nailed for braiding his sheets into rope — just a rancher, practicing, he argued, — and hoarding boxer shorts and food. Given the Bundys forgot to pack enough underwear for their 41 day occupation, boxer hoarding is understandable.

Now Ryan Bundy, who is currently held at the Multnomah County Jail, has declared himself an “idiot” in court documents. Oregon Public Broadcasting calls his filings, which OPB uploaded,  “the latest in increasingly defiant and strange behavior from Bundy.”

Using a lot of lowercase letters, Bundy writes in a motion filed to U.S. District Court Judge Anna Brown, “I, ryan c, man, am an idiot of the ‘Legal Society’; and; am an idiot (layman, outsider) of the ‘Bar Association’; and; i am incompetent; and; am not required by any law to be competent.”

Calling himself a member of the “bundy society” he defines man as “a sacred union between consciousness/spirit, flesh-bone blood and bio-electricity/energy created by that sound of which in the standard written English language is commonly translated as ‘God’ …”

A little further down, he writes, “I am neither “person”, nor “child”, nor “human being” as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary, the unholy bible of the Legal Society.”

Bundy also mixes in some bits from the Declaration of Independence and the Bible.

The long, strange document also claims his home state of Nevada and Oregon are not within the United States and are in fact  “sovereign union states” because the jurisdiction of the U.S. is limited to the “District of Columbia, the U.S. Territories and federal enclaves within the states.” He also writes the Malheur refuge is not under U.S. jurisdiction.

In other filings he asks for $1 million dollars in order to accept the “role” of “defendant” or “inmate,” and a million to be judge or bailiff.

Bundy is representing himself in the government’s conspiracy case against him and other occupiers. One of the occupiers, LaVoy Finicum was killed during the occupation’s resolution.

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