2016 Jack-O-Lantern Contest Winners

Artist Joey Edwards takes pumpkin carving to a level we didn’t previously know existed. He handily won last year’s contest with his Donald Trump-as-Zombie jack-o-lantern, titled “Donald Trumpkin.” This year Edwards went for traditional and elegant over topical. Some of his other jack-o-lanterns are on display at Axe & Fiddle in Cottage Grove. You can also study is spooky oeuvre at joeyedwards.daportfolio.com/gallery/925195.

What’s scarier than skyrocketing rent prices? Whiteaker mischief-maker Lefty Kelleher wins the prize for least subtle jack-o’-lantern with this entry. Gentrification is the real-world equivalent of Invasion of the Body Snatchers; suddenly everyone around you looks alike, talks alike and thinks all the same thoughts — the horror. Next time, tell us how you really feel, Lefty.

Artist Alistair Moore, 9, and his brother Blake, 4, submitted one of our favorite carved pumpkins on behalf of the youth arts nonprofit Multicultural Children’s Art Museum and Education Center. Sources close to the Moore brothers say they’re inspired by their mother, who is executive director of the art center, as well as an art teacher. They hope you’ll read more about MCAMEC online at arts4kidsoregon.org.

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