T-Shirts Support Student Gun Safety Walkout

Teachers and community members will wear orange March 14

Local print shop Threadbare Print House is selling T-shirts in support of students who will walk out Wednesday, March 14, to protest gun violence in the wake of the Parkland, Florida mass shooting. The $10 orange T-shirts are emblazoned “I stand with students,” and according to Threadbare, the print shop will also take orders for the March 24 March for Our Lives. The back of the shirt says, “Safe schools now,” Threadbare tells EW.

According to the press release, which is below, “Threadbare confirmed that teachers from Bethel, Eugene 4J, Springfield and Cottage Grove school districts plan to wear the T-shirts to school on Wednesday, March 14th, in support of students” and the shop was moved by “a recent national swell in support of safer schools.”

Threadbare is located at 445 Lincoln Street in Eugene.

Local Print Shop Offers Support Ahead of Student Walkout

Teachers from four districts will wear orange t-shirts to support students on the day of the national walkout.

Eugene, Oregon – Local teachers and community members plan to support students on the day of the national walkout, March 14, by wearing t-shirts. As our nation grapples with the devastating rise of school shootings, students across the country have planned a national school walkout to peacefully protest against gun violence.

A local teacher reached out to Threadbare Print House in the interest of creating t-shirts that would support her students on the day of the walkout. Threadbare Print House is printing 375 orange t-shirts with the slogan, “I Stand With Students.”

“We were moved by a recent national swell in support of safer schools. While each school shooting has been heartbreaking, the students of Parkland, Florida who bravely spoke out regarding national policies in the gun debate seem to be gaining traction. The shirts in our print shop are printed by parents and students, and we wanted to find a way to raise the voices of those working in the schools” said company owner Amy Baker. “The response has been overwhelming.”

Threadbare confirmed that teachers from Bethel, Eugene 4J, Springfield, and Cottage Grove school districts plan to wear the t-shirts to school on Wednesday March 14th in support of students.

“I plan on wearing a t-shirt to support the incredible work that young people are doing to create this powerful, grassroots movement. I am also wearing a shirt to support their sense of agency, and their right to peacefully protest for a topic they passionately support,” said one local teacher. “As a public school educator, I cannot walk out of the classroom with my students. This is their day, and it’s less about teachers than it is about students.”

Teachers who ordered a shirt will be picking them up on Tuesday afternoon, the day before the planned walkout. Threadbare will continue to take orders in anticipation of the March 24th March For Our Lives.

For more information please call Amy at Threadbare, 541.228.5547.

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