Climate Change

Kudos and gratitude for your Slant last week (Aug. 23) on our current climate change realities. It is sobering.

In 22 years there will be no snow pack in our mountains; our oceans are souring (30 percent more acidic, think vinegar) and we can expect a 500 percent increase in Western wildfires as Oregon’s population doubles. Extreme fires are caused by decades of mismanagement (fire suppression and clearcutting) and logging is not the answer, as some would have us believe.

We need to create a just transition to a clean-energy future that is fossil free. We need economic justice for the communities hardest hit by decades of environmental racism. And we need it now

 A tall order? Yes. Luckily, as with all big social changes, we the people are the ones to make it happen. Join the solidarity and resistance, with hundreds of communities across the nation, to “Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice” from 1-3 pm Sept. 8 at Campbell Community Center. Meet your local change-makers and engage in actions that will create a carbon-free world, starting locally.

Communities will lead this transformation. Together we can do this! See you there!

Patty Hine, director


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