Local Planned Parenthood Calls for Supporting Gov. Brown

Planned Parenthood advocates will hold a campaign kick off to support Gov. Brown's re-election

Measure 105 has gained a lot of attention, and outrage, from Oregonians seeking to protect immigrants within its borders. But, immigrants aren’t the only group of people fearing November’s ballot.

Measure 106 looks to eliminate publicly funded abortions. That means anyone who receives their health care through the state, including employees such as firefighters, teachers and nurses, will no longer have health insurance coverage for abortion services.

Local Planned Parenthood supporters are holding a campaign kickoff event in support of the re-election of Gov. Kate Brown and the defeat of that ballot measure.

EW checked in with Gov. Brown via email a few months back when Measure 106 was not officially on the ballot yet, but just an Initiative Petition waiting to be approved.

Governor Kate Brown

“[Measure 106] would set a dangerous precedent by cherry-picking which medical procedures public insurance will and won’t cover,” Brown notes. “It would take abortion coverage away from women on the Oregon Health Plan. It would take coverage away from state employees.”

She adds: “We successfully fought the same kind of attack on health care earlier this year when Oregonians resoundingly approved Ballot Measure 101. And this time, we’ll fight back again.”

On Tuesday, Sept. 11, Planned Parenthood supporters in Lane County are coming together to kick off “local grassroots political action to re-elect Gov. Brown, to defeat Ballot Measure 106 and to strengthen the pro-women’s health majority in the Oregon Legislature,” according to a press release from the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon.

The event is in preparation for the Sept. 22 statewide kickoff of the No Cuts to Care campaign — a campaign looking to defeat Measure 106 made up of a coalition of groups like the ACLU of Oregon, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon and more.

The Lane County Campaign Kickoff is 6-7:30 pm Tuesday, Sept. 11. Register here for location.

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