In response to the letter from Carlis Nixon (“Narrow Concerns,” Dec. 6), I agree that Peter DeFazio is and has been an advocate for the environment for decades and is much appreciated by those of us who are concerned about global warming and the lack of action in Congress.
However, I disagree that Deb McGee is “uninformed” and reflects what you hear from the right just by the “tone” in her word choices.
She and her partner are co-founders of 350Eug, a local group that spends hours researching the latest science on global warming, training activists to be involved peacefully while following the laws, informing the public about local environmental issues and more.
McGee and her partner Patty Hine are on the board of directors of 350Eug. Deb is director and Patty is president. I don’t know anyone locally who is equally or more informed about environmental issues as them.
If Carlis is interested in being more informed about values she shares concerning the environment and how she can become more informed and involved locally, check out the website at, on Twitter @350eugene or Facebook at 350EUG.
As for “tone,” isn’t using the term “shrill” to describe a woman’s voice sexist? Just wondering.
David Babcock