I am a progressive, lefty feminist who has served on the Eugene 4J board for four years. There is an upcoming race for a seat that has me speaking out in a way that may surprise some. I wholeheartedly am endorsing Jim Torrey for school board.
Here’s why:
Diversity truly makes a team better. Torrey provides a voice and represents a section of the community that is valued and deserves to be heard.
Torrey has years of experience working through difficult times — with finances, politics, policy and planning. He knows how to navigate through change with maturity and grace. He is an independent thinker. He understands nuance.
Torrey is a true champion of equity. He wants to do right by all our kids and family and staff. He really walks his talk. He walks his talk so literally, that he canvassed more for the bond than anyone else in town.
Seriously, Torrey gets things done, and he does it with respect.
So I ask other lefties to remember that diversity means working with others to come to solutions, and that there is strength in working with people who may disagree with you on some issues, but who absolutely is willing to do the important work for kids. And that’s Jim Torrey.
Eileen Nittler