LCC Board Member Resigns Again

After being re-elected to the LCC board of directors, Phil Carrasco again resigns after criminal conviction

Almost 30,000 Lane County voters re-elected Phil Carrasco to the Lane Community College Board of Directors on May 21. However, Carrasco had resigned after being convicted and sentenced on one count of third degree sexual abuse. The case involved a teenager. Carrasco has said he will appeal but again resigned from his LCC seat after the election. His full press statement, which he also posted on his Facebook account, is below.

May 23rd, 2019
Press statement from Phil Carrasco


I’d like to extend my most sincere thanks to the 28,176 voters that re-elected me last night.

In the past, I have worked hard to give to the best of my abilities to Lane County residents, for the betterment of our community.

This past year tested all that I believed my community to be. In some ways, it proved me right, and in others ways, it confirmed how wrong it is to disregard the inequalities of the justice system.

In the end, the truth will set me free.

For now, I have chosen to resign from my 2nd term to the Lane Community College Board of Education.

I have full confidence that my colleagues will find a talented person and a member of an underrepresented community to fill my seat.

In all my work, including in my elected office, I have endeavored to do what was best for our community and to be as revolutionary as our times require.

As our family grows, with the love and support of my life partner, I must attend now to my most revolutionary duty yet, and that is of being a Father.

My priorities are and have always been my daughters and now newborn son.

Again, I thank our community for re-electing me have a wonderful day.

Phil Carrasco
Lane Community College Board of Education Director Zone 5

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