Police Set Up Surveillance Trailer at Homeless Protest Camp Across from Newspaper Office

The Eugene Police Department surveillance trailer sits amidst a longstanding protest camp and across from the alt weekly newspaper

The Eugene Police Department has set up a surveillance trailer to monitor a homeless protest camp across from Eugene Weekly.

EW has reached out to EPD in regard to exactly what is being monitored — including whether its offices appear on camera.

Some sources prefer to remain private or anonymous when reaching out to a newspaper out of concerns over potential repercussions to their job or personal life.

Homeless advocate Eric Jackson has been camping in the area of the Eugene Municipal Court since August to protest because he says it is not a ”court of record.”

Jackson has previously been arrested for protesting against the criminalization of homelessness.

Jackson recently moved his camp to the area of 13th and Lincoln, across from EW’s offices. The newspaper’s ownership, which owns EW’s building  as well as one of the buildings across the street near the camp, has told EPD it has no problems with the homeless  camp. Other nearby businesses, however, have complained.

As of Sunday, Nov. 2, EPD had set up one of its surveillance trailers with cameras mounted on a pole near the camp. EW has also reached out to Jackson for comment on the surveillance.

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