POW! Pro Wrestling

Photo by Lady Bell Photography

POW! Pro Wrestling is back for its show “Altered Egos,” and for those who aren’t up to speed to the soap opera that is professional wrestling, I’ll fill you in with what’s been going on at Eugene’s local promotion. POW! kicked off back in October and invited indie pro wrestling star Joey “King of Dong Style” Ryan to Eugene. Ryan teamed up with Jeremy Blanchard against Portland-based tag team 4 Minutes of Heat. But Blanchard wasn’t happy that Ryan basically parachuted into town, made the pin for the win, then stormed off to his next gig. So after the match, Blanchard cowardly attacked Ryan. Ever since at POW! events, he’s been acting like he has a chip on his shoulder. Months later, Ryan is back and he’s teaming up with 4 Minutes of Heat to take on Blanchard and The Bad Life Network tag team. Of course, the night has more to offer, especially when the luchador Sonico, known for high flying moves inside the wrestling ring, takes on Jet Knight. 

Doors open for POW! Pro Wrestling 3:30 pm Sunday, March 8, at the UO’s Gerlinger Hall. Tickets start at $15.

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