Gov. Kate Brown announced April 27 that 15 counties, including Lane, are moving to extreme risk on April 30 due to the rapid spread of COVID-19.
This means no more indoor dining until we drop down to high risk or better.
According to a press release from the Governor’s Office: “In an effort to speed up the return to normal business operations, county COVID-19 data will be evaluated weekly for at least the next three weeks. Any updates to county risk levels next week will be announced on Tuesday, May 4 and take effect on Friday, May 7. Counties that improve their COVID-19 metrics will have the opportunity to move to a lower risk level. Counties will remain in Extreme Risk for a maximum of three weeks.”
The governor’s press release also says that Brown is “partnering with lawmakers to approve a $20 million small business emergency relief package to immediately support impacted businesses in Extreme Risk counties through the commercial rent relief program.” And that limits on outdoor gatherings have been raised. Read the whole release here, and the risk levels are below.
In response to the governor’s extreme risk level announcement, Lane County sent out a press release saying that the Lane County Board of Commissioners had, at their April 27 meeting, approved a letter to Gov. Brown, co-signed by the Eugene, Springfield, Florence, Oakridge and Cottage Grove chambers of commerce, with four requests:
- Increase the number of vaccines allotted to Lane County;
- Direct OHA to review all current Sector Guidance for High and Extreme Risk categories against the current trends in case transmission with an eye toward ensuring that restrictions to commerce are aligned to where transmission is occurring;
- Provide as much advance notice to counties about risk metrics framework movement as possible; and
- Expedite the revision of the current County risk metrics framework as soon as possible.
The release ends be saying that the commissioners “understand that statewide reopening is tied directly to widespread vaccination. As of today, Lane County has administered 276,177 COVID-19 vaccines, which represents over 52 percent of eligible adults and 44 percent of our full population.”
Everyone over the age of 16 is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination. Head over to the Lane County website for vaccine clinic sign up and a list of partner organization doing vaccinations. Get your Fauci ouchie for community immunity.
Click here for a pdf of the chart.