Bye-Bye County Fairgrounds?

To compare the use of what the fairgrounds have always offered with the needs of a baseball team, although I am a fan, and even to make cheap housing that could be elsewhere, is ridiculous. I was horrified that the team’s iconic stadium was burned down by fire-foolish kids, but now to try to solve that by taking away our multipurpose iconic old fairgrounds, no way!

We all in Lane County need the fairgrounds more than ever for our stability and our various projects, especially since everything else seems upside-down in the time of world crises. To builders, movers and shakers, maybe it is just land to be had. But to many of us who have actually lived here forever or long enough, hands off to the so-called visionaries. We need some things to remain Eugene for our own sake. Repair it if needed, maybe even rebuild, but do not move it or destroy it. Please.

Deb Huntley 


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