Author Valerie Ihsan

Book Launch at Tsunami

Valerie Ihsan unveils her new memoir with a reading and discussion

Springfield author, life coach and podcaster Valerie Ishan will read from, discuss and sign copies of her latest book, You Can’t Dance a Lie: A Memoir of Stepping into My Truth, at a book launch from 6 to 8 pm Saturday, March 11, at Tsunami Books, 2585 Willamette Street.

A former clerk at Tsunami, Ihsan is also the author of Smell the Blue Sky, The Scent of Apple Tea and How to Grieve.

In You Can’t Dance a Lie, self-published through Ishan’s Willow Bench Books, she describes the changes in her life after meeting up with an old boyfriend and coming to terms with the realities of what she describes as a “marriage of neglect.”

Performing at the book launch will be Baroque Betty, Michael Roderick and Amy Danziger.

Former co-chair of the Eugene chapter of Willamette Writers, Ihsan is creating Writer Craft, a podcast for writers.

You Can’t Dance a Lie is available for $18 paperback, $4.99 for Kindle.

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