Eugene to Get a New Mayor in 2024

Mayor Lucy Vinis says she won’t run next year and throws her support behind architect Kaarin Knudson

Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis plans to step down next year after two terms in office and is endorsing University of Oregon architecture planning instructor Kaarin Knudson to replace her. 

The two women plan to make a formal announcement of Knudson’s candidacy at 5:30 pm Tuesday, Sept. 12, at the Campbell Community Center.

“It has been an honor to serve as Eugene’s mayor,” Vinis said in a news release just hours before the speeches. “And it is time to make space for new leaders. I know that Kaarin has the vision, experience and temperament to lead our city through the work ahead.”

“I can see that Eugene has a bright future,” Knudson said in the same release. “For our city to realize its true potential, we must address the concrete challenges we face right now. We have important work to do on housing and homelessness, safe parks and public spaces for families and children, our local economy and climate change.”

Knudson has already gathered nearly $19,000 in cash and in-kind donations for her campaign, according to the Oregon Secretary of State’s office, with support from Kitty Piercy, Vinis and Laurie Trieger. 

Besides teaching at the UO, Knudson is a licensed architect with more than 20 years’ experience in the field. She has been a strong advocate for middle housing construction as a route to solve Eugene’s homelessness crisis and is past president of City Club of Eugene.

The citywide mayor’s race will be on the May 21, 2024, primary ballot.

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