Photo by Zoe Pouliot

Sweet, Sweet Charity

The Shedd Institute prepares for a riveting and comedic musical

For the first time ever, this moving and hilarious show takes the stage at a local theater. Terry Ray directs the musical comedy Sweet Charity at The Shedd Institute Sept. 15 through 24. In January 1966, the hit musical made its debut at Broadway’s Palace Theatre and was nominated for nine Tony Awards. Neil Simon wrote Sweet Charity, while the music and lyrics are by Cy Coleman and Dorothy Fields. Lynnea Barry, an actress who also works in corporate relations at The Shedd, plays Charity Hope Valentine in the show. Charity, a dance hostess, lives a gullible yet hopeful life and seems to always give her heart out to the wrong man, though she does share a sweet relationship with Oscar Lindquist (Cloud Pemble). Barry says her character makes some poor choices, but always stays upbeat, and “That’s the charm of Charity.” Numerous songs will fill the show, including “Big Spender,” “If My Friends Could See Me Now,” “Sweet Charity” and more. “This is definitely the hardest role I’ve ever played,” Barry says. “I am singing and dancing and talking for two and a half hours straight. But it’s been a good challenge.” A tale of a young woman’s journey through hardships in life and love will fill the theater with lots of laughter and leave the audience with warm hearts.

Sweet Charity takes the stage Sept. 15 to 17 and Sept. 22 to 24 at The Shedd Institute, 868 High Street. Friday and Saturday shows are from 7:30 pm to 10:15 pm, and Sunday shows are from 3 pm to 5:45 pm. Tickets range from $21.75 to $39 with various discounted options online at

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