Best Server 

1. Kelsey Barker, Mandy’s Family Restaurant, 1491 Willamette St.,

2. Jorden Blair, Nelson’s in the Whit, 400 Blair Blvd., 541-844-8404,

3. Tasha Alo, Tacovore, 530 Blair Blvd., 541-735-3518,

Kelsey Barker has been a waitress for half of her life, and she’s worked at Mandy’s Family Restaurant for a sixth of it. Quick math says the 36 year old has been waitressing for 18 years, and working at Mandy’s for the six years since it opened. She says that breakfast is her favorite meal to serve because that’s when she sees the most regulars. “I love getting to see lots of people in my community every day,” she says.

Barker says that being a good listener is what makes someone a good waitress, and this applies to more than remembering to add hashbrowns on the side. From learning customers’ names, to asking them about their recent remodel, Barker says that “kindness and making people feel at home is really important.”

She knows what she’s talking about because she’s the third person in her family to win Eugene’s Best Server. Barker’s mom is Mandy Watts, who opened Mandy’s restaurant in 2019. She was a Best Server in 2021, followed by her daughter and Barker’s sister, Abbie Taylor, who won in 2023. Abbie Taylor also works at Mandy’s. Maybe it’s a lifetime of witnessing Mandy Taylor work her waitressing magic, maybe it’s something in the water, or maybe it’s just genetic, but one thing is for sure: Mandy Taylor has produced some great Eugene servers.  — Savannah Brown