Focused Noise at SXSW

Erik Abel (aka Animal Farm’s Gen.Erik) from Focused Noise sent over a link to this video, which is sort of a video scrapbook/goofy behind-the-scenes look at the experience Focused Noise artists Animal Farm, Serge Severe and Mic Crenshaw had at SXSW. Skinny men in green bodysuits, missing Thai food restaurants, free hugs in the middle of the street — it’s all here. Continue reading 

SXSW: Panels, Part I: Miscellany

There’s a simple reason why it’s three weeks down the line and I’ve yet to write about SXSW Interactive, which is the part of SXSW with the most panels: Every time I sit down to do just that, I feel like the top of my head pops off and things just start pouring out — unsorted thoughts, ideas, information, complaints, exclamations, genuine glee. It’s just SO BIG. It’s a nerd and tech conference; it’s got too many tracks to keep track of, unless you’re really focused on the design aspect or the development stuff or the personal stuff or … whatever it is you want out of it. Continue reading 

SXSW Film: ‘Cold Weather’

I would be wary of too highly praising the low-key and charming Cold Weather were it not for one thing: I went into the movie with what might’ve been, in another film, an unfairly high level of anticipation. A critic whose opinion I generally hold in high regard, L.A. Weekly’s Karina Longworth, called it the first unqualified hit of SXSW. Continue reading 

Help Chico Schwall Get His Stuff Back

This email came from Brian Cutean this morning. I’m reposting it just as it is; hopefully someone out there can help. Dear friends, Eugene musician and music teacher William “Chico” Schwall had a devastating break-in at his work space and a lot of equipment was stolen when he was out working. We’re asking local media to please help publicize this list. Share the list. Pass it on to anyone who should see it. Some of these instruments are unique and would be easy to spot. Many thanks. Any information should be sent to Chico’s at 541.684.8216. Continue reading 

SXSW Film: ‘Lemmy’

I’m not the world’s biggest Motörhead fan, but even I can’t even see the name “Lemmy” without seeing that creased brow and hearing “The ace of spades! The ace of spades!” in my head. Motörhead is universal; Motörhead is monumental. Motörhead’s Lemmy is as deserving of a documentary as any musician who’s been doing his thing for more than 30 loud years. Continue reading 

TOO MUCH TO DO! Yet more shows to squeeze in this week

JESUS H., Eugene, I hope you’re over that nasty seasonal cold-thing that was going around, because you need to be ready to go out pretty much every night for the next week. Maybe twice. The pendulum is swinging back. It’s time to de-hibernate, kids. We could only fit six previews in this week’s music section, but there are at least three more places you’ll find us in the next few days. Continue reading 

SXSW Film: ‘Skeletons’

Have you read any Magnus Mills? No, there won’t be a test. But if you’ve read the Scottish author’s wonderful The Restraint of Beasts or peculiar All Quiet on the Orient Express, and if you can think of the peculiar sort of existence the men in his novels have — their work repetitive and disconcerting work, their goals as arbitrary as anything, their situations just a little off — you may find it easier to sink into the out-of-time, mildly surreal, darkly funny world of Skeletons. Continue reading