Movies Are Neat, and So Are Comics

Edgar Wright makes awesome movies. Perhaps his name sounds familiar from such films as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz? If not, please familiarize yourself with said films as soon as humanly possible. While you’re at it, you may want to check out all three seasons of Arrested Development, one of the best half-hour comedies ever to grace television. Pay special attention to Michael Cera, who ever so winningly plays the young George Michael Bluth. Isn’t he charming? Continue reading 

I Love Ninkasi. And the New Yorker. But Not Fake Memoirs.

Oh, lord. I wrote a whole blog. And then I hit preview. And then I forgot to post. I’m too tired. In short: 1. Ninkasi now comes in bottles! And the Mercury blogged it first. Good for them. I thoroughly enjoyed drinking some Believer while watching the Ducks squeak past OSU on Sunday. And I wondered aloud whether they might be among the first breweries to include their MySpace page on their labels… Continue reading 

I Can’t Help It

Despite the horror that was Revenge of the Sith, I still get excited about Star Wars news. It’s like a compulsion. Or something. I was one of those kids who wore my Princess Leia underoos to shreds and only wanted to play Star Wars, OK? It’s in my blood. So I greeted this news with excitement and suspicion all at once: Continue reading 

(Some of the) Best of The Movie Club

Every year, Slate’s Movie Club is one of the very, very best discussions about the previous year in film. Fiery, feisty, packed with opinion and disagreement, it’s worth deep reading even if you think any given year’s critics aren’t your favorites. You’re as likely to find new favorites reading the Club as you as to lose some love for old faves. And this year is no exception. A selection of favorite quotes: Continue reading 

I (Usually) Love the Pit

I was so excited to get tickets to the men’s basketball game vs. UCLA last night. So very, very excited. There’s something funny — in a good way — about the Pit, about the way that tickets sometimes seem to materialize. Everyone knows someone who seems to have some kind of connection, and sometimes you luck out. Continue reading 

And the Nominees Are…

I always mange to forget it’s Oscar nominations day until I see one of my usual morning reads (i.e. blogs) mention something about it, then bolt immediately to the Oscars site to see what the hell is going on. This year, well, frankly I just need to see a lot of movies. But naturally I have opinions even about the things I haven’t seen. So here are my thoughts at present. A bit off the top of my head, sure, but we’ll come back to this. Probably. Continue reading 

Things to Be Sad About

I love Augurie. But very shortly, that sentence will become past tense: after less than a year in business, owner Dagua Webb Nelson is closing up shop — and soon. The space will be taken over by neighboring salon Rapunzel, which is cool enough, but it’s not a store full of cute cards and dresses I dream of being able to wear. Still, I understand. Continue reading 

The Other Molly

Warning: This page is only interesting to those who are interested in the peculiarities of the internet age. I’m not ashamed to admit that I Google myself. Mostly, it’s just to see if anyone has linked to or otherwise noticed anything I’ve written in the paper; I’m a nosy girl and I’m always looking for feedback. I also have a relatively unusual name. Or at least I did have a relatively unusual name. Continue reading