I Can’t Help It

Despite the horror that was Revenge of the Sith, I still get excited about Star Wars news. It’s like a compulsion. Or something. I was one of those kids who wore my Princess Leia underoos to shreds and only wanted to play Star Wars, OK? It’s in my blood. So I greeted this news with excitement and suspicion all at once:

A new era of Star Wars entertainment begins in 2008 when STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS, from creator George Lucas, premieres as an all-new feature film in August, followed by the television series debut in the fall, in a partnership announced today between Lucasfilm Ltd., Warner Bros. Pictures and Turner Broadcasting System Inc.

Check out the pix at USA Today.

As MTV News helpfully points out, the Clone Wars era — though totally fascinating — is “a minefield of potential continuity errors.” But it’ll have clones! Awesome.

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