Oregon in the News: No, Really? Edition

To the surprise of almost no one who reads any local news, The New York Times is reporting that the UO, among other public universities, is under-supported by the state, and as a result it’s adding considerable fees on top of tuition: All told, fees add up to $1,542, or nearly an additional 40 percent on top of tuition of $3,984. That does not even count additional fees charged for taking certain courses. Later in the story comes this: Continue reading 

Thoughts About Everything But the Movie

The automatic ticketing machines at Regal ask too many questions. The standup cardboard ad for The Seeker makes me growl and grimace every time I see it. That is a travesty. You thought the tidied up The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was bad? Try reading Susan Cooper’s amazing Dark Is Rising series and then stomaching this horrendous preview. Mmm, pretzel. Now if they just had pretzel bites. Continue reading 

Best Music Writing 2007

Da Capo Press’s Best Music Writing 2007* just arrived — I mean seriously just arrived — in my inbox. This is one of my favorite book-arrival moments of the year: the quick perusal, the head-shaking, the nodding, the wondering why I haven’t gotten around to reading last year’s edition yet. This year, I think, I will read it. I will read it soon. Continue reading 

OH EM GEE: I Heart Michael Cera Edition

Superbad is pretty super-good, but I can’t help but wonder if I would have liked it as much if it didn’t star Michael Cera, whom I have also adored as George-Michael Bluth on Arrested Development and as slightly creepy campus tour guy Dean on Veronica Mars. Cera’s a slender, wide-eyed 18-year-old with incredible comic timing and a subtle sense of humor that’s hard to pin down. Why, exactly, is it hysterically funny when he runs (in Superbad), or when he tries to explain to his dad that his dud girlfriend is cute (in AD)? Continue reading 

Bad Blogger, No Cookie

So I skipped yesterday. Sorry. I’d like to say it was the impending doom of having to get four fillings today, but I only just found out this morning that today is the Day of Dental Hell. Also, as you may have noticed, it’s raining. A good day to wear flip-flops, too. Continue reading 

This, That and the Other Thing

I have a confession to make. I’m a bookmark junkie. What happens is simple: I’m strolling along on the information (overload) superhighway (dirty allway) and something catches my eye. “Oooh!” I think to myself. “That looks interesting! But too long to stop and read/listen/respond to right now.” Continue reading